Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu Massage is a Japanese form of deep tissue sports massage where the therapist will use both their hands and feet during the treatment. Passive stretching is also done on the whole body to lengthen the tissues and help you to move better. 

The therapist will walk on your back but not your spine. They will also massage you with their hands, forearms, elbows, and feet. The therapist will be working over you to allow a deeper pressure as opposed to next to you like a regular massage so please make sure you are comfortable with this before booking. The therapist will also mobilise your body to add in movements that may be missing in your daily routine such as traction, extension, rotation etc. 

Ashiatsu Massage is not suitable for everyone

While people find this very relaxing it is deep. Very unlike a spa massage. This would be unsuitable for people with osteoporosis or severe scoliosis.

Ashiatsu Massage is used for maintenance and injury prevention rather than injury treatment.

The therapist will be working over you rather than beside you. She will be standing on the plinth and may walk on your back (not your spine). Passive stretching and mobilisation will be included in the treatment so the client must have a good ability to relax. This would be unsuitable for anyone with osteoporosis or joint instability.

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Duration: 60 / 90 mins
Price: €60 / €105
Location: Ashford
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Located on the stunning grounds of Talbot Lake in Wexford

Talbot Lake,



Y21 YW95